Monday, July 30, 2018

July 23, 2018 Last Transfer and Trio (Elder Mumford)

Dear Mom and Everyone,

This was an interesting week, on Monday we got a call that there was going to be special changes. A missionary went home so on Tuesday we got Elder Mumford with us this last week. It’s been a lot of fun. Tuesday, we had our district meeting and President came and basically gave the whole meeting. It was pretty rough. Then we had a few citas (appt) and because of the changes we got to almost all of them late. But that’s become normal now for us with so many things to do. 

Wednesday, there was another ward that did a missionary activity so we did divisions with a youth and because there's 3 of us we did divisions, Elder Mumford and I worked in his area and Johnson and the YM was in ours. They had a great time having a lot of lessons and we knocked on doors all day in the sun with only one lesson. It was a cool lesson though. Then I met the best Husky Dog ever. It was a good time in the end. Oh, and we are talking to Oscar about baptizing the daughters this Saturday while they wait for their wedding. 

Thursday, we started the day by contacting a family, it was a cool lesson. we are going back tomorrow. Then we went with a lady that promised to make us Garnachas. They were really good and easy to make so we can try that when I get home. 

Friday, we went to a new investigator house and had a super cool lesson. We ended and I was about to invite her to baptism and my phone rings. She accepted anyway. We ended the day with an FHE we were going to make pizza but the yeast was bad so it didn't rise which was disappointing. 

Sunday, we had a ward activity called Mormon Battalion. A bunch of members go out and look for people on the ward list and invite them to come back. It was fun but I was with a youth and we couldn’t find anyone. Oh well. Today we just cleaned the house and relaxed. It was nice because I hadn't done that in a long time. Tomorrow is transfers but we stayed the same. So, I'm ending here. The time is flying and I have mixed emotions about going home but I'm excited to give it my all in the last 6 weeks and go home. I have a lot of plans that I want to do to show you some of the food from here and the culture. We’ll talk about that. 

Welp I love you all,

Elder Olsen
Last District/Area Bosque
What a couple of goofballs Elder Johnson and Elder Mumford
This is the Huskey Dog Mitchell fell in love with
Pres. Conde teaching with a passion
Yes missionaries do Iron their own cloths
Tarantula in the rocks

Dinner Time
Elder Mumford
And they end the day with sushi again

Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 16, 2018 Hard Working Week

Dear mom and everyone,

This week was fun but we had a lot of disappointments and challenges. Monday we were going to an investigator and his family's house, but when we got there, they are going through some problems so we are trying to help the family, but even with this challenge they are doing everything they should.

Tuesday, literally everything fell through but we did end up getting in contact with a former investigator which was good.

Wednesday, everything fell through again and we ended up contacting all day. We did find a less active though and helped her get to the Ward.

Friday, we had an interview for another area and then we had an FHE with the investigator family from Monday in a member’s house.  We made pizza again. They were happy and were able to get their minds off of things which was really good. The member is an ex-missionary that gets along well with the missionaries and he’s going to take us to the Guelaguetza, but that’s beside the point. He talked about the restoration and they really enjoyed it. 

Saturday, we had English class and we had a success. We had 7 new people come and some of them were investigators.

Today we just chilled after playing tennis with some members and my comp bought a suit. So, it was a cool day. Welp I have less than 2 months left and I don’t like thinking about it at the same time I do but I’ll see you guys soon.

Love you all

Stop and Smell the Roses

Mitchell loves making pizzas for his investigators and Ward Members

Tennis Anyone?

July 9, 2018 Happy 4th of July

Dear mom and everyone,

So, this was a pretty normal week. Monday, we ended up with a lady that makes trinkets and stuff like that after looking for a few people that weren’t there. We were teaching her but she's not too interested so we just stopped to say hi and to ask about a few things I had asked for. 

Tuesday, we went to Nochixtlan for the district meeting so we got back a little late. We went to eat and went looking for some people we ended up being late to almost everything that day, it was pretty frustrating. we ended up buying tacos for the last people we saw because we were going to see them in the church but they had already left so we told them in they came back we would buy them tacos. We had a cool lesson. They are a couple. One is a member and the other isn't, and as soon as she gets married she's going to get baptized. Then we enjoyed tacos.

Wednesday, we went with the Herbalife lady again, she gave us some free Herbalife which is like a milkshake type of thing. Then we went back home to study and we made hamburgers for lunch because they gave us money. One of the biggest hamburgers I’ve had. Then we went with a lady that suffered a stroke a few years ago and her daughter. We taught them and ended the day getting stood up by apart member family that has a dry member waiting for his wife's divorce.

Saturday, we went with a couple that works in a chicken butchery thing (pollerĂ­a). We talked with them for a while, then we went to eat. After that we went for the Lady with the stroke, then we took had English class and her daughter came with us. We then ended the day going with the family of the one that shared his testimony. He was out of town working but they are getting really close to getting married.

Sunday, we had a lot of people come to church. An old investigator came back and other are continuing and it was really exciting. There was an incident though, a little girl had a seizure. They took her to the hospital and they say everything is fine now, they are just checking why it happened.

Today we got up early to go play sports with other missionaries and a few youths from another ward it was fun and we got our minds off of things. 

The weather is fine, sometimes hot and sunny other times cold and rainy. We have quite a few investigators, if everything works out well we should have 10 baptisms this month. My comp is fine and ya he got it a few weeks ago, I actually took a pic of it so you can check that out. We decided to stay in the house we have, at least until I leave. The ward is good, it the most supporting ward I've had so that’s fun. Our WML is a recently returned missionary and seems like he's still getting the hang of things in the real world. This is a video he made in the mission There are quite a few youths but they don't really get close to us. There are a few that are cool and go out with us. Oh, and my comps mom's name is Tammy Johnson. 

Welp, I love you all I got to go bye!!

Elder Johnson has such a fun personality
Another Calendar of Dinner Appointments
Elder Olsen and Elder Johnson were invited to play tennis and have breakfast at the Area 70's home.
They also go to watch the World Cup. Unfortunately, they lost to Brazil.  It was still fun for them to watch the game and eat yummy breakfast.
Always Tacos

More Tacos

Happy 4th of July!