Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dec 17, 2017 Huatulco Pictures

I am so excited because I sent Mitchell a new camera for Christmas.  He received his package last Tuesday and I told him in his email to start using the new camera ASAP.  The best part of the new camera is that it has Wi-Fi and when he has internet he can download this pictures to the Canon Website and I have an app on my phone and I receive the pictures directly to the app and can view the pictures whenever they are there.  Since he started using the camera on Dec 5th, we have received new pictures almost every day.  I had forgotten that he got his camera on the 5th and I finally opened the app on my phone on Friday evening as we were pulling into Walmart to do some Christmas shopping on the 8th.  I started screaming at my husband and we sat in the car for 20 min looking at all of the new pictures.  This has been the best Christmas gift I could ever give myself.  Many times he will end his email with sorry no pictures this week, I don't trust the computer.  Because he uses public computers in Cyber Cafe's, people attach terrible viruses to the computer and then the viruses get attached to the SD card that Mitchell uses or the virus gets sent to my computer when I open the picture.  So now He can send the pictures whenever and he will never have to use a computer to send pictures.  I am so happy!  So the program even makes the pictures into albums and he sent pictures from his old SD card so we are seeing pictures from his old areas along with new pictures.  So here are the most recent pictures he has taken in Huatulco.  The only problem is that he can't tell us what the pictures are about so we have to guess from his emails.  Hopefully, I can ask him to tell me about some of the pictures in this week's email.  I hope you enjoy these pictures.

 This is the pasta dinner he had that he misses eating out

 This is his Christmas Tie and Christmas tree I sent him

 This is the Nativity I sent to put on the wall. Great gift from Walmart

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